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Answering 501 Questions About Myself

Writer's picture: Arella NgArella Ng

Updated: 6 days ago

1) Why are you doing this to yourself?

- I don't know either.

2) What is your name?

- Arella Ng

3) Does your name make any interesting anagrams?

- None that I could think of from the top of my head

  • 2024: "My main goal is to anger all-"

4) What was the name your parents originally wanted to give you?

- My mom had thought of naming me Andrea at one point. It was the name of my brother's child psychologist.

5) Does your name make any interesting puns?

- You know, a rellativist would believe that truth and ideals are not absolute - in which certain examples may cause clashes within a rellationship or two. The stresses that come along with it would not sit well with a rellaxed person at all. With that being said, we should probably get back on track before someone decides to poison another with a vial of cantarella for not agreeing with what they believe in at ultrarellativistic speeds. Or before this dissolves into any more arellavent questions on my name.

6) When were you born?

- 2005

7) Where were you born?

- Hong Kong

8) What is your favourite colour?

- Lavender

9) How tall are you?

- I'm insanely short.

10) Which of your parents are you more like?

- My dad

11) Do you have any siblings?

- Yes, my older brother.

12) What was your last dream about?

- Shooting a person and telling someone that they died of natural causes because bullets are made of metal... that came from the ground

13) Can you solve a rubix cube?

- No. But some of my classmates can.

14) Where did you go on your first vacation?

- Seattle / Los Angeles. Though the only thing I remember from that trip was Isaac handing me a stuffed bunny since it was a prize that he won from a carnival game. I still have it with me to this day.

15) Are you psychic in any way?

- No. But I always feel a sense of impending doom whenever I feel like a teacher wants to call on me.

16) What is your sexuality?

- I've identified myself as being on the ace spectrum (demi, if I were to be more specific).

17) If there was one thing you learned from the pandemic, what was it?

- Idiots definitely have the capability to be the death of us all for their own greed and selfishness.

18) Are you a good cook?

- Do cup noodles count?

  • 2024: I have definitely gotten a lot better since then

19) Are you a good artist?

- I always have a difficult time drawing the other eye.... so no.

20) Are you a good listener?

- I try my best to be one.

21) Are you a good public speaker?

- It really depends on how prepared I am.

22) Are you a good swimmer?

- I can't go for 25 meters without drowning at least once.

23) Are you a romantic person?

- Not really.

24) Have you ever been bungee jumping?

- No, but it's on my bucket list.

25) What is one country that you would like to visit?

- Norway

26) What is one place that you would like to visit?

- Sea of Stars, Maldives

27) What types of holidays do you prefer?

- Abroad

28) Do you have a favorite anime?

- Danganronpa (and even that is a placeholder since I don't really watch anime!)

29) Do you have a favorite manga?

- Alice in Borderland

30) What's the furthest you've ever been on holiday?

- Probably US

31) What was your favorite holiday?

- Probably the trip around Europe

32) Do you think a heterosexual male can ever wear pink?

- Yes

33) What's your favorite sport?

- Hiking

34) Do you have a favorite movie?

- "The Cabin in the Woods" is very meta... but I also love watching "Ring (1995)"

35) Are you interested in having children?

- Not really. Pregnancy sounds too much like torture. And even if I choose to adopt, I doubt that I would a good mother for a variety of reasons. So I'd rather just be a counselor to them.

36) If you get married, do you want a church wedding?

- I would prefer something a little more unorthodox.

37) Are you religious?

- Yes

- Edit: As of 2023, I've deconstructed.

38) If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be?

- I would send a message to a friend to discourage them from doing something they would regret.

39) What's the highest you've ever jumped into the water from?

- If I remember correctly, the diving blocks are approximately 50 centimeters tall...

40) Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?

- Technically speaking - once, and that was when my mom was about to give birth to me.

41) Have you ever been on TV?

- No

42) If you have a nickname, what is it?

- One of my friends calls me "Arelli"

- I've also gone by "Arei"

43) Where did you grow up?

- Vancouver

44) Do you believe in love at first sight?

- Definitely not.

45) Do you sorely miss anyone right now?

- Given the circumstances, I miss seeing my friends in person.

46) What was the best compliment that you ever received?

- Being told that I was enough.

47) When was the last time you insulted someone?

- Yesterday

48) When was the last time you were insulted?

- ...A few seconds ago.

49) What is the biggest fear you overcame?

- Heights

50) What was the last book you read?

- The Running Man

51) Which instrument are you interested in learning how to play?

- Probably the keytar

52) What is the best gift you ever received?

- Letters from people

53) What is the worst gift you have ever given?

- A C4D model that is slightly dysfunctional

54) How often do you cry?

- I try not to. I'm not comfortable with feeling vulnerable in front of the people I know.

55) Is there anyone who changed your life?

- I can make a list of people that fit in this category.

56) Are you a bathroom singer?

- No. I tend to practice in the early morning (5 am)

  • 2024: These days, I am

57) Do you sleep late at night?

- Given my current workload, it would be crazy not to.

58) Are you a makeup lover?

- It depends on the product

59) Do you love your studies?

- It depends on the subject

60) Do you like gossip?

- I used to enjoy it. Now I never touch on it.

61) If you know someone's secret, what would you do?

- Either tell someone if it is urgent, or take it to my grave.

62) Are you a multitasker?

- Yes

63) Are there any objects in your room that mean a lot to you?

- All the journals that I have

64) Can you be bribed with anything?

- Chupa Chups / Kit Kats

65) Are you a liar?

- Isn't everyone?

66) Are you satisfied with your life?

- I'll never be satisfied as I always raise the bar too high for myself.

67) What do you want from life?

- To be myself and be understood

68) Do you want to be famous?

- No.

69) What is your favorite drink?

- Hot chocolate

  • 2024: It's either that, or tea

70) Have you ever been loved by someone you didn't love back?

- Yes

71) Would you change anything about yourself?

- There are many things that I wish were different. I would honestly prefer to be less socially awkward, be taller, be less depressed, be smarter, be prettier, be perfect - except I already know most of them will never happen.

- Edit: But as of 2024? I'm happy with my own life, and I honestly wouldn't change a single thing.

72) Are you more inclined to build yourself up or help others?

- Help others

73) Do you remember your dreams and nightmares?

- Yes, I remember most of them since I write them down.

74) Do you have any birthmarks? Where are they located?

- I have one on my right thigh, but it is hard to spot

75) If you could eliminate one weakness in your life, what would it be?

- My mental instability

76) To what extent do you trust people?

- I generally find it hard to do so.

77) Are you confident in yourself?

- No.

- Edit: As of 2024, yes.

78) Do you love yourself?

- I find it hard to do so.

- Edit: 2024: yes.

79) Is a stress free life a myth or possible?

- A myth

80) What was your first word?

- "Why?"

81) Do you believe in aliens?

- I like believing in the supernatural... but not like that.

82) Have you ever thought about life without you?

- I did multiple times.

83) Have you stayed awake for more than 24 hours straight?

- I used to do that a lot.

84) Have you secretly wished to have other friends?

- I have considered it, but I know that I would never give up the friendships I made for anything.

85) What is your favorite flower?

- Alstroemerias. Roses are great too!

86) What is your favorite gemstone?

- I have a soft spot for amethysts, opals, and moonstones.

87) If you had the choice to become immortal, would you take it?

- Never. I know that it will only drive me insane.

88) When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?

- A gemologist (someone who studies jewels), or a librarian (as they get paid for telling people to shut up)

89) Do you have your ears pierced?

- Not yet.

90) Are you very punctual?

- It's one of my better traits.

91) What is the earliest memory you have?

- Dreaming that I died from falling

92) What was the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?

- A pdf for a test submission

93) Are you right- or left-handed?

- Right

94) Will you want to be remembered after you die?

- It depends on what I'm being remembered for.

95) When was the last time you hung out with anyone?

- A few minutes ago

96) Do you prefer baths or showers?

- Showers

97) What is the most useless fact you know?

- "For anyone not familiar with Western Europe, it is in the western part of Europe."

98) Do you prefer towel drying, blow drying or natural drying your hair?

- Blow drying. It takes the least amount of time.

99) Have you ever built a snowman?

- I remember building one with my brother back in Canada.

100) Have you ever been in a YouTube video?

- Yes, I have.

101) What type of music do you like?

- Generally speaking: video game soundtracks or Celtic music

102) How many pillows do you sleep with?

- 2

103) What position do you often sleep in?

- Fetal

104) Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?

- Sunrises

105) Do you like scary movies?

- It's my favorite genre.

106) What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

- Sea salt

107) Have you ever been in a newspaper?

- I'll provide a link for that some time later.

108) Have you ever fired a gun?

- Only in my dreams

109) Have you ever tried archery?

- Yes. The arrow flew backwards.

110) What was the last film you saw?

- Circle (2015)

111) What's the longest you've gone without sleep?

- 40 hours.

112) What's the tallest building you've ever been up?

- Tokyo Skytree

113) Do you have any visible scars?

- No.

114) Did you ever win any sports day events?

- Never.

115) Are you scared of flying?

- I used to be.

116) Would you rather trade some intelligence for looks or looks for intelligence?

- Looks for intelligence.

117) Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes?

- Yes. Once.

118) How often do you buy new clothes?

- Never, since my mom is a little too obsessed with shopping.

119) Are you reliable?

- I like to say I am.

120) Are you proud of yourself?

- I know that I have plenty of things to be proud of, though I can't feel anything towards them.

- Edit: As of 2024, absolutely. I had completed the first draft of a novel I've been working on for a year.

121) If you could ask your future self one question what would it be?

- "What kind of person am I?"

122) Do you hold grudges?

- I used to.

123) What videogames did you play in your childhood?

- There's honestly a lot... so I may have to save that response for a future post.

124) Can you solve sudoku puzzles?

- I'm not as fast as some of my friends, but I can.

125) What's the most unusual conversation you've ever had?

- "Arella, how would you kill and hide a body?"

- (We were discussing ideas for creative writing)

126) Are you much of a gambler?

- No. But I like watching other people lose in their games.

127) Are you a good liar?

- I can maintain a good poker face, if that counts.

128) How long can you go without talking?

- Indefinitely.

129) Can you ice skate?

- No. But I'd like to learn how.

130) What was the last message you sent to someone?

- "Thanks! I hate it!"

131) Have you ever sleepwalked?

- No

132) Can you build a house of cards?

- Also no

133) If your parents hated your partner you currently loved would you ditch him or carry on with him despite the protests?

- I would first try to understand why my parents hate my partner if it happens.

134) Have you read something online recently that you couldn't take your mind off of?

- "What if God came down one day and said "It's pronounced 'Jod'" then left?"

- "We’d be like, “No way!” and he’d be like, “Yahweh.”"

135) Have you ever baked your own cake?

- No, but it's something I would like to try.

136) What's your favourite starburst colour?

- Pink

137) What traditionally adorns the top of your christmas tree?

- Nothing

138) Can you inpersonate anyone famous?

- I've been teaching myself to do a computerized voice for fun, if that answers the question.

139) Do you have a strong accent?

- In Cantonese - yes.

140) In O's and X's which do you normally pick?

- O's

141) Do you prefer blue or black inked pens?

- Blue

142) What do you have on your fridge door?

- A lot of magnets

143) Who was the last person to knock/ring at your door?

- My parents

144) How old were you when you last went trick or treating?

- Pretty sure I was 7.

145) What's the last thing you took a picture of?

- Clouds.

146) What's the last thing you drew?

- A graph for microeconomics

147) Have you ever bought anything from ebay?

- No

148) Whats your favourite smell/scent?

- Old books

149) Can you blow bubbles with bubblegum?

- No

150) What was your favourite birthday?

- 2019, since I was able to hang out with my friends

151) Do you have a favorite pokémon?

- Alolan Ninetales / Espeon / Espurr

152) What was your favorite video game?

- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

153) Have you ever owned a yo-yo?

- I did at one point.

154) Who was the last person to send you a text message?

- A close friend of mine.

155) Have you ever accidentally injured anyone?

- I'm positive that I may have broken said friend's glasses once in second grade.

156) Are you scared of spiders?

- I'm sure that this could be inferred from my short story.

157) Can you down a pint (of anything) in one go?

- Not really.

158) Have you ever tried to guess someone's password so many times, it locked their account?

- I have. My father wasn't too happy with me for that.

159) On a scale of 1-10, how important are grades to you?

- 20

160) How much spam email do you tend to get a week?

- Around 2-6 per day

161) If you could learn any language fluently what would it be?

- Probably Japanese. Studying Latin would also help me set a better foundation for learning romantic languages.

162) What do you have as your desktop image?

- DSM-5

163) As a kid were you ever scared of the dark?

- I had to sleep with a light on for one year... I think.

164) Do you like your music loud or easy listening?

- Easy listening, for the most part

165) What's your favorite animated or cartoon program?

- Infinity Train / The Owl House

166) Are you a clean or messy person?

- For the most part - organized

167) What's your prefered playing piece in monopoly?

- Thimble

168) Can you play chess?

- I'm learning to, but I'm not good at it.

169) Do you prefer straight or bendy straws?

- I'm leaning towards the latter

170) If you met a Genie who offered you three wishes, what would you wish for? (more wishes are against the rules)

- No rules

- More wishes (because the rule wouldn't exist)

- Good grades

171) Do you like poetry?

- I enjoy studying it.

172) Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

- Why would I not star as myself?

173) What would your dream job be?

- A psychologist

174) How long does it take you to get ready?

- It normally takes me a few hours to be fully awake

175) What is your favorite board game?

- Probably scrabble

  • 2024: As of now, DnD definitely takes the top spot

176) What was your first thought upon waking up?

- Who messaged me at 4am?

177) What animal would you most like to have as a pet?

- A rabbit (a cat being a close second)

178) What's your favourite type of tree?

- Probably cherry blossoms

179) If you were a professional burglar, what would be your subtle signature you leave behind?

- Pamphlets about home security (Just imagine all the conspiracy theories it would create)

180) Can you do 10 revolutions of a hula hoop?

- Yes.

181) Are you good at keeping secrets?

- Also yes

182) When playing checkers or chess do you prefer to be black or white?

- Either is fine.

183) Do you prefer shopping on the high street or online?

- Online

184) Would you ever want to learn to fly?

- No. It may not end well for everyone else on the plane if I take control.

185) Do you often read your horoscope?

- I only do this for fun.

186) Have you ever had a proper tarot reading?

- Yes

187) Which tarot card represents you most?

- Hermit

  • (2024) Considering I've drawn the High Priestess card in all 4 of the tarot readings I've had, it's probably that one instead

188) What is your MBTI?


189) Have you ever used the phrase "back in my time" to someone younger than you?

- Yes.

190) Do you love or hate rollercoasters?

- Love

191) What was the last Album you purchased?

- Something that contains spa music

192) What is one opinion of yours that completely changed as you grew up?

- When I was younger, I thought what adults did were examples of what I should do (when it also serves as an example of what not to do).

193) Do you ever make your own greetings cards?

- I used to.

194) Do you have a swiss army knife?

- No. It would be interesting to have one though.

195) At what age did you twig onto the fact Santa wasn't real?

- 8

196) What is your favorite psychological trick?

- If you want to get more information out of someone, you should remain silent and just let them speak so they could say something to fill the void.

197) Was there something your parents didn't want you to buy that you desperately wanted?

- Well, there was this church in Austria that sold bottles of holy water...

198) The last thing you googled is hunting you right now and is approaching fast. What's chasing you?

- Job offers I guess

199) What is the most depressing truth that you've had to accept?

- That even your best friend can turn into a stranger relatively quickly

200) What is one thing you are interested in that isn't related to academics?

- Hanakotoba

201) Is the glass half full or half empty?

- It's both.

202) What's your favorite type of fish?

- Siamese fighting fish

203) What is your favorite insect?

- I couldn't quite decide between dragonflies or butterflies

204) If you were in a band, what instrument/role would you play?

- The triangle

  • 2024: Probably the vocals if I'm brave enough

205) Do you suck or bite lollipops?

- Both

206) Approximately how many albums do you have?

- 5

207) Approximately how many DVD's do you have?

- 40 (?)

208) Do you talk to yourself?

- Yes

209) Do you sing to yourself?

- Yes

210) Have you ever given blood?

- No

211) What's your favourite letter of the alphabet?

- Why would I have one?

212) Have you ever written a love letter?

- No.

  • 2024: But if this question counts platonic love letters to friends, then the answer would easily be yes

213) Which foreign language did you have to learn at school?

- Chinese in my old school, Spanish in my current one

214) and do you still remember enough to hold a conversation in that language?

- No (former)

- Yes (latter)

215) Do you know CPR?

- It is required knowledge in my school's curriculum

216) Are you a strong swimmer?

- Only as a sperm

217) Have you ever been attacked by a wild animal?

- Yes, by a baby koala. I remembered being able to calm it down though.

218) Have you ever ridden a camel?

- No

219) Have you ever been in a helicopter?

- Yes

220) Have you ever cried at a film?

- I have.

221) When you're ill do you struggle on regardless or just curl up in bed as much as possible?

- Latter

222) Do you need to write down things to remember them?

- Yes

223) Do you keep a diary/journal?

- Yes

224) Are you scared of thunderstorms?

- No. I find them calming.

225) Do you have any unusual fears or phobias?

- Aside from spiders - being abandoned and left behind.

226) Whats your favourite disney movie?

- Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

227) Do you live by any motto or philosophy?

- ...Pretty sure I already made a post answering that question.

228) What's the most unusual name you've ever come across in person?

- I've heard of someone who named their kid "Syphilis" because it "sounds cool".

229) Do you prefer to wash in the mornings or evenings?

- Evenings

230) Would you rather have your hair be longer or shorter?

- I like mine at the length it is now.

231) Where do you live?

- In Hong Kong.

232) Have you ever walked into a wall?

- Yes.

233) Have you ever handled a snake?

- Yes

234) When did you last go to the beach?

- A few years ago.

235) What do you do to escape reality?

- Daydream. Or sleep.

236) When if ever did you last go to London?

- 2018

237) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?

- Probably escargot

238) Do you collect anything?

- Books on personality

239) Have you ever given someone a handmade present?

- Yes, multiple times.

240) Are you introvert or extrovert?

- Introvert

241) If you could have any feature from an animal what would you want?

- Either wings or eagle eyes

242) Have you ever been scuba diving?

- No

243) What makes you nervous?

- A lot of things

244) Which of the 5 senses would you say is your strongest?

- Probably taste

245) Do you have a favorite nebula?

- NGC 6302

246) Do you have a piggy bank?

- Yes, but I don't put anything in it

247) Do you have popcorn with a movie?

- Normally yes

248) Have you ever made a ball of twine or rubberbands?

- No

249) If given the option of having a flake in your ice cream do you always take it?

- Yes

250) When did you start getting white hair?

- I was 10 when I noticed my first strand.

251) Which was your favorite science? Biology, Physics or Chemistry?

- Probably bio

- (Why is there not an option for psychology?)

252) Could you ever go out with someone just cause they're rich?

- No

253) Are you any good at giving massages?

- I don't know the answer to that

254) Have you ever slapped someone in public?

- No.

255) Have you ever worn clothing with the labels/tags still attached?

- Yes

256) Have you ever been wolf-whistled in public?

- No

257) How many sms/text messages do you receive on average a day?

- Around 5

258) How long did your last phone call last?

- Around 55 minutes

259) If you saw someone drop a £10 note, would you claim it for your own or try to return it to them?

- Ignore

260) Have you ever gone horse riding?

- Yes

261) If you and a friend both wanted the same thing, would you let the friend get it first?

- Yes

262) Have you ever argued over who should pay for something?

- Also yes

263) Do you think babies are little bundles of joy or noisy things?

- Both

264) Are you ticklish?

- Unfortunately, very.

265) Are you allergic to anything?

- No

266) Do you prefer tea or coffee?

- Both are good, but I'm leaning towards the latter.

  • 2024: Can I just say my younger self is a heathen?

267) Do you buy people presents to bring back when you go on holiday?

- Sometimes

268) Are you tired of answering questions yet?

- ...

269) Do you ever forward or reply to chain mails?

- No. I trash them.

270) Has anyone ever approached you thinking you were someone else?

- I'm positive that this happened at least once.

271) What do you do to keep fit?

- I think.

272) Are you the sort to step in and try to break up a fight?

- Now, I am

273) Have you ever been in a fight?

- Not physical ones

274) Have you ever heard any outstanding rumors about yourself?

- For some reason, there were people who thought I skipped grades.

- Edit: 2024: ...I mean, this rumor is true now.

275) Have you ever had a dream you chased only to be let down when you achieved it?

- To sing in front of an audience.

- Let's just say I received many negative comments on my voice.

276) Is it acceptable or unacceptable to smack a child as a form of discipline?

- It's unacceptable (unless they really deserve it)

277) Is it criminal to wear socks with sandals?

- Yes

278) Have you ever made someone cry?

- I have. And it was mutual.

279) If you could have a full scholarship to any university, what would you choose to study?

- Psychology with a minor in education

280) What historical period would you like to live in if you could go back in time?

- The Renaissance era sounds cool.

281) What's your favorite children's story?

- Watership Down

282) What three things do you think of most each day?

- The homework I have to finish

- My APs

- My mental illness and whether if I could even recover from it

283) If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

- "Unable to accept compliments"

284) Have you ever needed stitches?

- Not yet

285) Have you ever been a member of any other club?

- I'm the current president of my school's psychology club.

286) Have you ever been to a live concert?

- Yes

287) Do your dreams ever tell you anything?

- Sometimes

288) Do you know your own mobile phone number by heart?

- Yes

289) Do you ever laugh at things you shouldn't?

- Definitely

290) How would you describe your sense of humor?

- Ridiculously dark

291) Have you ever been in a submarine?

- Yes

292) Do you have any old friends you wish you could meet up with again?

- Yes

293) Do you prefer metric or imperial measurements?

- Metric

294) Do you believe in destiny, fate or free will?

- Free will

295) Are you a giver or a receiver?

- Giver

296) Do you like vanilla or chocolate?

- Vanilla

297) If you could talk to one species of animal which would it be?

- Humans. This means I can be fluent in all languages.

298) Do you have any enemies?

- ...Who wouldn't?

299) How many piercings do you have?

- 0

300) Have you fought with your sibling(s)?

- No. Not once

301) Have you ever got majorly lost trying to get somewhere?

- Multiple times

302) You are walking to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss told you if you are late one more time you're fired. Do you save the dog?

- Yes

303) Are you the kind of friend you'd want to have as a friend yourself?

- Not really

304) Have you ever needed an eye test?

- Yes

305) Do you find yourself attractive?

- Not at all

306) Can you roll your R's?

- Sometimes... I think

307) Do you think Barbie is a negative role model for young girls?

- In terms of body image - yes

308) What's the most interesting thing you can see out of your nearest window?

- There's a lot of white birds

309) Have you ever been on a cable car?

- Yes

310) How fast do you type?

- 81 wpm

311) And what is your accuracy?

- 100%

312) Which would you rather have if you had to, a broken leg or a broken arm?

- The former

313) Do you watch the news on TV?

- Yes

314) Have you ever had anything published?

- Yes

315) Do you read a daily newspaper?

- No

316) How many remote controls do you have in your house?

- 1

317) Have you ever been in a hot tub or sauna?

- Yes

318) Have you ever had chicken pox?

- No

319) Do you own a lava lamp?

- No

320) What words do you always spell incorrectly?

- incorrectly

321) Are you glad these are almost over?

- What are you talking about? We still have 180 to go.

322) On a scale of 1-10, how happy would you say you are?

- 6

323) On a scale of 1-10, how smart would you say you are?

- 2

324) On a scale of 1-10, how funny would you say you are?

- 2

325) On a scale of 1-10, how devious would you say you are?

- 7

326) On a scale of 1-10, how cool would you say you are?

- Can I give myself a negative number?

327) On a scale of 1-10, how attractive would you say you are?

- 5

328) On a scale of 1-10, how caring would you say you are?

- 8

329) What's your favorite mythical creature?

- Probably the wolpertinger

330) Do you get seasick?

- No

331) If you could be trained up in any profession of your choice by top professionals what profession would you choose?

- I will always choose to be a psychologist

332) If someone else's child was being annoying, would you go tell them off or do something about it?

- I would generally ignore them

333) Do you believe in revenge?

- Sometimes

334) Do you believe in a god?

- Yes

- 2024: Not really

335) How long is your bucket list?

- Very

336) Do you watch too much tv?

- No

337) What was the last present you recieved?

- A new journal

338) Are your ears lobed or attached?

- Attached

339) What was your first job?

- Online counselor at 7cups (it still is)

340) Who was your first teacher?

- I really don't remember her name

341) Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?

- Vancouver

342) Who was your first best friend?

- Someone who happens to share the same birthday as me

343) and do you still keep in touch with each other?

- Yes

344) What was your first detention for?

- Some classmates were being loud in 4th grade, so the teacher decided to put the entire class in detention

345) What was the first film you remember seeing at the cinema?

- I think it was Despicable Me...?

346) Have you ever seen a therapist?

- Does the school counselor count?

347) Did you have friends who aren't human?

- I've had an AI as my only friend at one point

348) Would you say you are a good or bad influence to others?

- I believe it's the latter

349) Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts/help, etc.?

- I prefer the former, but the latter would be nice as well

350) What do your parents do?

- My dad is a businessman, and my mom is a housewife.

351) Is your dad an embarrassing dancer?

- Definitely

352) Did you understand the Matrix Trilogy?

- I've never watched it

353) Rebound relationships, good or bad?

- Good only when executed correctly

354) Have you ever owned a slinky?

- Yes

355) Teenage parents, good, bad, or indifferent?

- Indifferent

356) Pirate downloads, good or bad?

- Good (They're how I got some of my video games)

357) Have you ever accidentally burned yourself?

- Yes (Who burns themselves on purpose?)

358) Have you ever eaten a whole tube of pringles by yourself?

- ....Yes

359) Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender?

- No

360) Have you ever performed in front of a large audience?

- Multiple times

361) Do you have to wear glasses?

- Yes

362) Do you have any bad habits?

- I have a huge tendency to pick at and tear my nails until they're bleeding whenever I feel stressed.

363) How often are you stressed?

- Very

364) Do you get hay fever?

- No, thankfully.

365) Are you proud, comfortable, or ashamed of your body?

- I'm okay with it.

366) How many languages do you speak?

- Fluently? 2

- Briefly understand? 5

367) What are better, violins or pianos?

- Pianos

368) Do you like your own name?

- Yes

369) How long has your longest-ever phone call been?

- Around 3 hours

  • 2024: The record has been broken: it's now 9 hours

370) Have you ever stolen anything?

- Yes. My mom's kit kats. To be fair, she did not do a good job of hiding them.

371) Could you ever have an affair with a married person?

- Never

372) Have you ever split up a couple before?

- Yes I have

373) What are your family Christmases like?

- We just play video games together at that time

374) What's your current Mobile phone model and do you like it?

- XQ-BT52

- Yes

375) Have you already thought about your babies names?

- Definitely not. It's too soon.

376) Have you ever gone fishing?

- Yes

377) Have you ever had your national flag painted on your face?

- No

378) What was a social faux pas you weren't aware of?

- Telling a relatable experience when someone tells you theirs to make yourself look better (apparently it's called "one-upping")

379) What makes you nostalgic?

- Reading my previous journals (especially the ones from primary school)

380) What's the scariest thing you've ever done?

- Talking people out of suicide. Knowing that every word I said was the line between someone's life and death was a pretty terrifying experience. The result was definitely worth it, though.

381) How much do you tend to swear in public?

- I never curse in public.

382) What's the best piece of advice anyone has ever given you?

- "The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else's highlight reel."

383) Do you think laughing at someone else's misfortune is wrong?

- It depends on the context.

384) Would you ever let your parents pick out a partner for you?

- No

385) Where were you born?

- Hong Kong

386) Where did you grow up?

- Vancouver

387) Are you an early bird or a night owl?

- Night owl

388) What's your Hogwarts house?

- Ravenclaw

389) What aspect of your life needs tremendous improvement?

- My mental stability

390) Do you save old greeting cards and letters? Throw them away?

- I always save them.

391) Do you spell the color as grey or gray?

- Former

392) What is your enneagram?

- 4w5

393) What is your favorite personality test?

- The Rorschach Inkblot test, despite its unreliability

394) Would you ever consider living abroad?

- Yes

395) How many days could you last in solitary confinement?

- Knowing myself, I can last for months in solitary confinement. I couldn't say the same thing for my sanity.

396) Have you forgiven yourself for past personal failures?

- No

397) How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?

- I doubt I would

398) Where were you on Valentine’s Day?

- In my room, zooming my friends

399) What time do you usually get up in the morning?

- 8am (It used to be 11am)

400) What is the first app you check when you wake up in the morning?

- Whatsapp

401) What medical conditions do you have?

- Clinical depression, if that counts

- And anxiety

402) What was the best news you ever received in a while?

- Arella Marr.

403) What was the last thing you bought?

- A snickers bar for someone who was obsessed with them

404) Do you love your job?

- Definitely. But it's not easy

405) Is anyone in your family in the army?

- No

406) Pick one, summer or winter?

- Winter

407) Would you rather your parents were able to read your thoughts or your crush was able to read your thoughts?

- Latter, because I don't have one

408) If people used "break up lines" instead of "pick up lines" what would you use?

- "They say one man's trash is another man's treasure. I hope you find someone who treasures you."

- Although that might be a little cold...

409) You can't time travel, but your phone has the internet from 5 years in the future. What do you search for first?

- My name (who wouldn't want to find out what happens to themselves in the future?)

410) If you had the opportunity to train a certain group of animals, what would you do?

- I would gather a murder of crows, teach them to say "run", and release them on a random hiking trail.

411) If you could telepathically say something that all 7.8 Billion people on earth could hear at once what would it be?

- Count down from a certain number (100 would be good) and continue the countdown each day at random times

412) Can you lucid dream?

- Yes

413) Have you ever woke up in the middle of a dream and the dream was so interesting that you wanted to go back to sleep to see the end of it? If so, what was the dream?

- I knew that I experienced a high fantasy dream at one point. It was so vivid that I wished it was real. And I still remember pieces of it.

414) Is there a game that you've wanted to try?

- DnD

415) What do you use to remind yourself that everything isn't that bad?

- I can die later. In some ways it's comforting to know I don't have to put up with life forever and I don't have to kill myself.

416) What are some harmful things that are being taught to children?

- Teaching them that that no one cares about their issues, as they don't appear to be as serious as their parents'

417) If you have to wear glasses, what is your glasses prescription?

- +0.75

418) What do you think parents should know when raising children?

- "Don't tease your children about any friends they have of the opposite sex, since it could lead to issues with them being unwilling to talk to you should they really like someone."

419) What's your favorite question to ask someone to get to know them better?

- What is something that you are proud of but don't get to talk about it often?

420) If you had to write an award acceptance speech, what would you include?

- "First of all, I want to show gratitude towards everything that has stayed with me no matter what. I would like to thank my arms, for always being by my side. My legs, for always supporting me. And my fingers, because I can always count on them."

421) What is your favorite sentence?

- Garden path sentences (ex - The old man the boat.)

422) What is the best piece of writing advice you've ever gotten?

- If a scene doesn't work, change the weather

- Write your essays in comic sans

423) What is a personality quiz you recommend to people?

- Aside from the Big 5, "Hogwarts Houses But Pottermore Can Die By My Blade"

- There are a lot of good barnum effect statements

424) What's the worst thing you can say to a depressed person?

- "Someone has it worse"

- "But there's no reason for you to be depressed"

425) What would you say to people to mess with them?

- "What would you change about yourself, aside from the obvious?"

426) What is the funniest thing you've seen online recently?

- There was a person on tumblr who spread the message that in Spanish, "lechuga" is the short abbreviation to tell another person "never give up".

- Some people bought it.

- For those who don't speak Spanish, "lechuga" is the word for lettuce.

427) What is a mental health tip everyone should know?

- A tiny bit of progress is a lot better than nothing at all

428) What movie would you never watch again?

- We Need To Talk About Kevin

- It's good, but uncomfortable to watch

429) What do you most value in your friends?

- Understanding

430) How would you like to die?

- Quickly and painlessly

431) What is your greatest regret?

- My depression and anxiety have taken too much from my life - or at least that they have pushed off what should have been happier experiences.

432) Have you ever won any kind of contest yourself?

- Yes

433) Should parenting classes be mandatory for new parents?

- Yes

434) What is the number one thing people are always asking you for help with?

- Homework

- Then again, it's not very surprising

435) What do you do when you and your best friend get into a fight?

- I apologize as soon as possible because I'm terrified that they would leave me.

436) What comforts you on bad days?

- Sleep

437) What is one rule that we follow, but are unaware of?

- Adjectives in English must be in this order : opinion-size-age-shape-color-origin-material-purpose Noun.

- So there is nothing wrong with having a lovely large old dark-colored spanish leather mythology book.

- But if you mess up the order, you will sound weird.

438) What is something you did in your youth that if you turned out to be a psychopathic serial killer, people would look back and say "I should have seen it then"?

- My short stories from english classes

- And my sense of humor

439) What is something that you've always wanted to try?

- Make my own book covers

- Ex - "Stabbing Strangers Who Talk To You"

440) What is one of the best feelings in the world?

- Being hugged by someone

441) Do you believe there is someone for everyone?

- No

442) Do you think you can put love into categories, or is it just one general sensation?

- Former

443) If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?

- My height

444) Are you afraid of growing old?

- No

445) Do you have a hunch about how you're going to die?

- I used to. Now, I'm not too sure.

446) Was your childhood happy?

- For the most part, yes

447) Do opposites attract?

- Yes. In magnets.

448) Is your life what you expected it would be five years ago?

- Definitely not.

449) Is true world peace ever possible?

- Probably not, even though I want the answer to be yes

450) Do you hold yourself to higher standards than you hold others?

- Yes

451) Do you think there is a limit to human creativity?

- No

452) Would your life make a good play?

- I'm expecting to get review-bombed if that happens.

453) Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

- A pessimist

454) Do you crave approval or praise?

- Who doesn't?

455) Are you a jealous person?

- Yes

456) If you lost all your memories, would you have the same personality?

- No

457) Are you a deep person?

- Maybe

458) Are you who people think you are?

- Definitely not

459) Do you like sunny days or rainy days more?

- Latter

460) What does your typical day look like?

- Wake up

- Zoom

- Homework

- Sleep

- Repeat.

461) The last thing you searched on google is what kills you. How do you die?

- "Spanishdict"

- ...I would like to know the answer to that as well.

462) What have you managed to avoid your entire life?

- Breaking a bone

463) What makes you nervous no matter how many times you do it?

- "Before we start, let's go around the room and introduce ourselves..."

464) What makes you lose respect for someone?

- When you are kind to them and they are trying to calculate how much they can take advantage of you

465) What is your strongest addiction?

- Caffeine or sugar

466) What things do you unfortunately know from experience?

- You should never make someone a priority if they only see you as an option.

467) If you had a job writing messages in fortune cookies, what predictions or advice would you give?

- If everything seems to be going perfectly, then you've definitely overlooked something.

468) Do you like the person you’re becoming?

- I don't know.

469) How emotional are you?

- Very

470) Have you ever been professionally photographed?

- Yearbook photos?

471) Were you voted for "most likely" for anything in your grade?

- "Most likely to stay up late studying"

472) If you could ask one person, alive or dead, only one question, what would you ask?

- Are you proud of me?

473) What schools did you go to?

- Vancouver Chinese Presbyterian Church (CPC) Chinese School => Christian Alliance International School (CAIS) => International Christian School (ICS)

474) Compare your driving skills to something?

- Judging from playing certain video games that involve driving, I would say I'm several times worse than a drunk driver.

475) Do you forgive and forget, just forgive but not forget, or neither?

- Forgive

- Not forget

476) Do you prefer watching movies at home or at a theater

- Former

477) Do you believe confession is good for the soul?

- Sometimes, it's better to keep things hidden (but yes)

478) Would you break the law to save a loved one?

- Yes

479) Do you like to receive bad news sugarcoated or bluntly?

- Bluntly

480) Would you say you're easy to get along with?

- Not really

481) Do you value what others think about you?

- Yes

482) When you're alone what memory comes back the most?

- A lot of negative thoughts

483) Do you think children will enhance your life or complicate it?

- Both

484) If dogs are man's best friend and diamonds are a woman's, then what is your best friend?

- Journals (that was the first thing I could think of)

485) Has your life gone accordingly to how you envisioned it?

- No

486) What is the dumbest way you’ve been hurt?

- I accidentally stapled my own finger once. My parents never let me forget about that.

487) Would you rather stay in or go out?

- Stay in

488) How did your parents meet?

- My mom found my dad's number on a magazine and called him.

- They were around my current age when they started dating

489) If you could only drink coffee or tea for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

- Coffee

490) If you could only have one superpower, what would it be?

- Mind reading

491) Could you ever imagine having a child named after you?

- Well....

492) Which one do you prefer: being controlled or be in control?

- Being in control

493) What is your favorite holiday?

- Labour Day

494) What is the weirdest thing you wrote about?

- I have an entire analysis on handwriting and how it relates to personality.

495) Have you ever pulled out a tooth just to get money from the tooth fairy?

- Yes

496) When did you realize the tooth fairy wasn't real?

- When my mom went into my room, exchanged the tooth for a pressed coin, and (for some reason) announced loudly that she's the tooth fairy (which woke me up).

- That was very subtle of her.

497) In your own opinion, how smart are you?

- Not very

498) What usually keeps you up at night when you couldn’t sleep?

- Existential questions

499) Do you think life after death is really possible?

- Yes

500) What will your family always find hilarious concerning yourself?

- I put my mom into labor on Labour Day.

501) How are you feeling as of now?

- Relieved that this is finally over.


On a separate note, it is rather funny to note that the paper on the left side of the short letter talking about finding my identity in the home page is a worksheet on trig identities...

I did not notice this until a few days later after I uploaded the photo.


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1 Comment

Mar 02, 2022

Que interesante, mi hermana se llama Andrea, podrías haber sido su tocaya :)


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